Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy birthday to our sweet Sonia!

Sonia is two years old today.  TWO YEARS OLD!  It's been two years since she turned our world upside down.... two years since Zach gained a little sister.... two years since Bobo and Margie realized they no longer ruled our house.... and two years since the world met THE GREAT SOSINI!

Oh, Sonia.  I love listening to you absent-mindedly sing songs from The Wonder Pets.  It makes me giggle when you pronounce Baby Beluga like "Baby Lalula".  I get a kick out of watching you try desperately to get Bobo to let you kiss him.  It warms my heart when you give me nice, tight hugs right before you kiss me good night and say "I luff oo, Mommy".  It drives me bananas that you wake up anytime between 5:30 and 6am, no matter what we do to get to you sleep later.  I can't help but smile when I watch you gallop around in just a diaper.  It makes me so happy that you like trains just as much as you like wearing your tutus.  Sonia, you are one cool little girl.

Sosini had a lovely birthday today, celebrating first with our play group at Kingston Park and then with her beloved Grandpa Dick and Grandma Jenni (they are visiting this weekend).  And, not only did she sleep in until 6am today (any time she sleeps in until 6, I consider it a good morning), but she took a one hour and 45 minute nap!  That's a really, really, really long nap for her.  Good girl!  I guess running around in the heat & humidity this morning really wore her out.

More pictures and stories from her birthday weekend to come....


Four Lease Ranch said...

Rose says "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Sonia!!!!!

JLo said...

Happy birthday Sosi!