Thursday, February 16, 2012

Grandma JoJo in da house!!

My mom (aka Grandma JoJo) is here visiting us this week, and we're having a fabulous time!  We've been doing puzzles, playing Candy Land, cooking, baking, shopping, hosting a Valentine's Day playdate, and much more.

Oh, and we've been snuggling a lot, too!

Grandma JoJo probably had flashbacks to playing 8 million games of Candy Land with me, my sister, and my brother.

Sonia likes to steal people's boots....

Showing off her puzzle prowess

Making Valentine's Day decorations for our playdate

This kid loves to play with Andrew's collection of wine corks....

Sock Monkey Girls!

More play with corks

Sonia absolutely loves to watch Grandma JoJo do her beauty routine in the morning....  I'm pretty sure Sosini has seen me put on mascara only once or twice in her entire life, so witnessing someone actually apply makeup is fascinating to her.  Once Grandma got gorgeous, she turned her talents on her granddaughter.

Speaking of hair, The Great Sosini got her third haircut this week!  Stay tuned for more on that.

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