Monday, May 18, 2009

Big girl!

Sonia had her first check-up at the pediatrician's office today. She now weighs 6 lbs., 5 oz. and measures over 18 inches. She got a Hepatitis B shot and was none too pleased about it, but otherwise the visit was uneventful. Uneventful, that is, until she needed a diaper change. Mommy expertly packed the diaper bag full of everything she might possibly need.

Except diapers.


JLo said...

Bwahahahaha! I love it!

Joslyne said...

It seems like a 'diaper bag' would have an endless supply of diapers automatically built in and we shouldn't have to do anything in that department. It's a failure of THE BAG if you ask me!

ErinM said...

In my defense, I....


Yeah, there's no defense. Thank goodness pediatricians' offices usually have extra diapers laying around. Dr. Murphy didn't even blink when I sheepishly told her about my diaper bag packing omission-- she just opened the door and asked a nurse to bring us a diaper!

Joslyne, I completely agree....

Niki said...

Are you blaming the giver of the gift of the diaper bag? Because I believe it WAS stocked with diapers when I gave it to you!!!!! ; )

ErinM said...

....diapers that I believe I gave to you when you and Charbaby came to visit me in early June!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, if I didn't give you the diapers, then I know I gave you all the lotions and potions that were in it.

I do LOVE the bag, though! It rules. All except for the lack of self-stocking featuer.

Jodi - aka Crazy Vizsla Lady said...

We have all had our fair share of forgetting diapers..... Don't you remember one dinner at your house that Dan had to run and get Ollie some dipes??

Thank you for letting me come to visit and get in some Sosi snuggling time.... I am still smiling!