Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My Baby

I took this picture with my cell phone camera (hence the sketchy quality), but I love it so much that I had to post it anyway.  Sosini and I had just finished painting our toenails a sparkly lilac color, and we were just chilling on a blanket, waiting for Andrew to come home from work.  All of the stress I have been putting on myself (and poor Sonia) during this potty training attempt just melts away when I look at this picture.  I can't decide if I like it with Sosi's face vertical (like I was looking at it as she lay next to me on the blanket-- that's how the picture is above this paragraph) or horizontal (so that the world is right-side-up-- see below).

At any rate, I wish I had taken the picture with a real camera, because I would probably be framing it if I had.

1 comment:

Niki said...

My sweetie niecey! She is such a great little kid. How on earth could you ever say no to a face like that???